Firefox 2.0

Firefox 2Today I installed the shiny new Firefox 2, and it is Oh So Very Nice! Just as Internet Explorer 7 is released, and has caught up on some of the features Firefox has had for years, Mozilla Firefox remains unbeatable.

Although Firefox 2.0 is not yet officially released, I am told by good sources that the Release Candidate 3 version is exactly the same as the version that will be shipping on Wednesday – so I got in quick today to avoid the hammering the servers will be getting when the final is released.
One of the new highlights for me, aside from the slick new interface; is built in spell checking which is great for blogging – No more copy and pasting into Microsoft Word. Also is the ability to restore tabs lost if your system crashes etc, which previously required an extension.

Check out the new features and release notes here and you can also download the release from that page. I highly recommend the update.

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