Hyundai Ioniq 28kw Remote Monitoring with ESPHome and A Better Route Planner

After purchasing a Hyundai Ioniq 28kw last year I was left looking for a solution to enable me to remotely monitor the car charging status, as well as integrate with A Better Route Planner while driving to help ease any range anxiety on long drives.

Fairly early in my product research I discovered Meat Pi’s WiCAN interface, which is a WiFi CAN interface based on the ESP32-C3 board. When I purchased the board the firmware was still very basic, so when I found someone else had built a blueprint for using with ESPHome I jumped into developing an integration based on ESPHome.

While the car is running, the script will poll the CAN interface and send the high priority parameters through to A Better Route Planner around every 9 seconds. At present it is tracking speed, odometer, state of charge, state of health and HV battery voltage/current.

I’d still love to figure out how to obtain the HVAC current/setpoint and estimated range – so please get in touch if you know how! I’ve briefly experimented with broadcasting the car data over BTHome to save battery, however the ESPHome BLE stack seems to be pretty hungry and I was running into some stability issues I haven’t yet had time to diagnose.

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